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Application Form For Membership To The South African Board For Companion Animal Professionals (SABCAP)

The Board wants to represent professionals rendering services to the Companion Animal Industry. Should you wish to become a member, please complete and submit the form, together with attachments, as indicated.
SABCAP Membership Application
    Strength: Very Weak
    Select Province
    Companion Animal Information
    Full Membership - 1 Category
    Academic Qualifications
    List all relevant schools/colleges/institutions
    List all courses
    Practical Experience
    List all places where you have worked with animals
    List your mentors
    Reference names, institution, telephone and/or email
    Upload any supporting documentation for your experience and animal categories
    Brief Biography
    With this application, I warrant that:

    Admission criteria for membership

    Membership is open for citizens or permanent residents of the Republic of South Africa. A separate Register will be held for members from other countries.

    A person who intends to become a member of SABCAP must, for each category, be in possession of:

    • A Certificate in Companion Animal Ethology for which the person was registered for a period of one year; and
    • A Certificate in an Outcome-based course in one of the categories contemplated in Rule 3.1 (c) of the constitution, which course must be accredited by the South African Qualification Authority or otherwise recognised.
    • Proof of two years experience in the field of one or more of the categories contemplated in Rule 3.1 (c) for which membership is requested.

    The Board may recognise prior learning based on a portfolio, as proof that the person has been continuously involved in a field of one of the categories contemplated in 3.1 (c) for a period of at least 10 years.

    The Board may accept such other qualifications as it may determine.

    Qualifications in the field

    Please submit proof of qualifications,

    • of at least two years, certified by a Commissioner of Oaths; and
    • Years of practical experience in field: Portfolio of experience (explain what the practical experiences consisted), which should be a minimum of at least two years, certified by a Commissioner of Oaths; or
    • Years of practical experience in field under supervision: Supervision (qualifications of supervisor, address and contact numbers of supervisor, comments and declaration by supervisor, signed by the supervisor) which should be at least 200 hours;


    • Recognition of Prior Learning: TEN years of experience in the field. Submit an Affidavit duly attested by a Commissioner of Oaths that all the information in the submission is correct.

    Code of Ethics

    • Members undertake to adhere to the aims of SABCAP;
    • Members will, in the execution of their duties, uphold a high standard of professional service to the public and the companion animal industry;
    • Members will strive to cooperate with fellow members in a positive and constructive way, even in cases of disputes or differences of opinion;
    • Members will interact with other professions, societies, associations and organizations who render services in the same industry, in a professional and supportive way;
    • Members will, in all circumstances when rendering a service in the companion animal industry, consider the interest of both animals and humans in order to improve human-companion animal relationships.

    Cadet Membership

    Please submit proof of qualifications and experience as they presently stand. Cadet Members are entitled to all the benefits of full membership, with the exception of voting at the Annual General Meetings of SABCAP.


    To abide by the Consumer Protection Act, and to ensure that pet owners and pets are constantly provided with professional ethical services from our members, for which SABCAP could be accountable, we reserve the right to request a review of our members every two years.

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